Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America!

Another day in the books. Tonight I am staying at Brink Road shelter in NJ that is frequented by bears hourly....there are warning signs posted everywhere about not feeding them.

As for New Jersey's hiking... Ahh I feel like I am still in Pennsylvania, but the trail is actually less marked. So I wandered off the A.T. about 3 different times today while I was watching my poor feet slam into all the rocks. Did about 14 miles today of actual trail and 1 or 2 of looking for the trail/water.

The trail is definitely more difficult without Gucci to keep me entertained (falling on her face is what I mean by entertainment), but I am managing alright. She is safe and sound at home, recouperating her knees and joints. As for the "falling bet" I am going to say that I clearly won. I am still holding strong at a big 0.....for now.

Momma Bearfoot (that would be my Mom) drove up to visit from Georgia the other day. It is always wonderful to see a loving friendly face. I got to stay in a hotel for a couple nights and go see a movie (the Incredible Hulk is not as cool as KAB Man, but he runs a close second).

I am going to try to get to Hightop Shelter tomorrow to maybe catch some 4th of July fireworks. Lets hope I have a view! Anyway Happy 4th to all and to all a goodnight.....lets hope I have no visitors in my camp tonight.


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