Monday, June 23, 2008

HALF WAY THERE! So it's all downhill from here...right?

Hooray, everyone! We have lots of exciting news to share! Since our last blog, we have covered lots of ground....making me extremely proud to say that we are now in...(drum roll please)...Pennsylvania! Yep, we actually made it to the "land where boots go to die". Looking back, Pennsylvania seemed like a figment of our overeager imaginations, a rocky, faraway land that we'd reach only in our wildest dreams. Well, wildest dreams they must be, because we finally made it.

Once we crossed the famous Mason-Dixon line into PA, we knew we had another hurdle to overcome besides tons of rocks and rattlesnakes; the Pine Grove General Store Half Gallon Challenge. Unfortunately for us, the implications are exactly what you might think. Pick your favorite flavor of ice cream, purchase it in the absurdly large half gallon size, and see how quickly you can devour it at the picnic benches out front. Now let me be clear from the start: I, in no way, shape or form, not even for a second, not even for intense bragging rights, not even because I love ice cream, even for one millisecond felt the need to consume over 3,000 calories and 480% of my daily value of saturated fat (not to mention the obvious and unintended side effects of brain freezes and stomach aches) in one sitting. Now also keep in mind, even as all these thoughts of repulsion are running through my head (ew, who DOES this anyway?!) Jordan is looking at me with some sort of a death/imploring stare because he so desperately wants to take part in this Half Gallon Challenge....and since clearly only idiots succumb to the peer pressure of actually eating 2 liters of ice cream, he so desperately wants me to do it too.

So what the heck! I told him, hey, if you want me to partake, then you're wasting your $5.50, not mine, buddy. So he did, and I tried...but after about 10 bites I gave up. (don't act so shocked, I already told you I didn't want to do it!) Jordan made a slightly better showing, but still a disappointment to all of our other, apparently more speed-ice-cream-eating adept friends. (Shutterbug, don't you know girls aren't supposed to eat that much ice cream in TWENTY FIVE MINUTES?!?) Sorry guys!

On a final, more triumphant note, we hit the OFFICIAL halfway point today! Whoo hoo! We took about a million pictures that will posted soon and reveled there in our glory for about an hour. Then we realized we still had over a thousand miles to hike and sitting there on our butts wasn't getting us any closer to Maine. Oh well! One more time, whoo hoo! Halfway there!!!!

Coming up, Boiling Springs, Bob Evans, and a much needed day off in Duncannon!

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