Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ode to Great Shoes.

So long, farewell, goodbye, and thank you! You have been so good to us; always there for support and comfort, never afraid of the challenges we faced. You had absolutely no say as we carefully and painstakingly selected you to be the thankless bearers of mile after mile of tough terrain. Nor did you protest as you endlessly headed North day after day, and never once did you complain as you were excitedly tossed aside for your decidedly more cute and squishy siblings, Crocs, the second we arrived at camp. And don't worry, we don't blame you at all when you intentionally got heavier, too tight, and uncomfortable every day during miles fifteen through twenty....making us trip, okay namely ME trip, repeatedly in an effort to get us to relent and set up camp already.

Now that we've thoroughly used and abused you, it's time to say goodbye. What's that they say? All good things must come to an end? Well unfortunately this is it. We appreciate everything you've done in helping us get to mile 700, but alas, our partnership ends here as we trade you in for a younger, more lightweight model. Hello new trail runners!

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