Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Movin' on up! Mile 544 and counting...

Hey all! This is a very fun, fabulous, and important posting as it marks the official "one quarter-of-the-way-finished" point of our Appalachian Trail adventure. No, unfortunately there were no fireworks spelling out congratulations, no celebrities there to pat us on the back, and no 5-star restaurant available to cater to our every craving. As usual, it was just Jordan and me and our big ole backpacks, but now we have something else; a genuine feeling of accomplishment.

On a journey like this, of so many steps, sometimes it's difficult to feel like we're making progress, even one step at a time. Never again!

From this point forward, when we look at a map we don't have to point a measley 2 millimeters above the very spot where we began our journey MONTHS ago and say a little dejectedly, oh look, here we, we're really moving. Now we can stand on the top of every mountain we climb, take those heavy backpacks off and yell, scream, and yodel at the top of our lungs... because we are so proud to be out here and we want the world to know: we're really and truly getting there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

where did you guys go?? Mr. Burns and I left Daleville today, sitting at a shelter at about 727... So you're somehow over 100 miles back?? *sob*