Monday, May 5, 2008

Progress Report!

Attention please! This message is for anyone curious as to where in the heck we are, anyone who loves us, friends, family, anyone just stopping by, pets who can read (impressive!), and anyone who's a member of a group I didn't already mention. :) We are exhaustedly excited to announce that we have officially made it past the 500 mile mark! After about a month and a half on the Trail, we did it! Of course we still have about 1600 miles to go, but don't worry; we'll make it! Our mileage continues to go up weekly and on a typical day now we do anywhere between 15 and 20 miles....depending on the elevation changes we encounter. (and how much peanut butter we can manage to get down: instant energy!)

Onto other Trail related facts! The fall count is as follows:


I know, it seems rigged to me, too! But alas, the numbers don't lie. Why this is important? A certain bet proposed by a certain UN-clumsy someone and foolishly accepted by a certain apparently VERY clumsy someone. Basically, if I fall more than 15 times before Maine, fancy schmancy dinner when we finish is on me. If I don't manage to fall that many times before Katahdin (look at the numbers people, it doesn't look good) then dinner, my choice, paid for courtesy of Mr. Jordan Price. Keep your fingers crossed that my balance miraculously gets better from here on out!

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