Friday, March 28, 2008

Georgia Behind Us...Hello Carolinas!

It was a big week for Trek Against Trash! We not only made it through Georgia to North Carolina, but we also hit mile 100 at Glassmine Gap! What a feeling! It wasn't an easy few days, as we hit lots of steep uphills and rocky downhills, but we made it.

We knew that our hike yesterday toward Franklin, North Carolina wouldn't be easy. From our map, we could tell that we had one serious mountain to conquer; they call him Albert and he has an elevation of 5,250 feet! As we approached the base we saw a wooden sign with the inscription "Trail Magic". (Trail Magic is the phrase used when hiker-loving-people haul in or leave out sugary, gooey, fabulous food and drinks for the undoubtedly exhausted hikers on their way to Maine. It could be a table full of sandwich stuff, or a bag of drinks left on the trail with an inspiring note. Sometimes a little Trail Magic is all that keeps you from calling it a way less miles than you wanted to cover! So back to our very own Trail Magic...)

We hurried forward toward a clearing in anticipation of the goodies that we hoped were coming. Sure enough, there were some hiking-devotees set up with a fire, extra chairs for tired legs, and a table of treats and sodas! Just what a tired, grungy Thru-Hiker needs: orange soda and honey buns! They had definitely placed themselves and their Trail Magic strategically before Albert knowing we would need all that extra energy to make it to the top!

We were expecting mild fatigue, but the altitude and elevation really hit us hard; not even our magical Leki trekking poles could propel us onward and upward! It was all man (and woman!) power as we heaved not only our body weight but our 40 pound packs hand over hand up the mountain. The view from the top was well worth the sweat, and as added endurance training for our already wobbly legs, there was a fire tower that we climbed up for some even more incredible views!

It was all downhill from there, and we came upon our shelter at Rock Gap way sooner than expected. Not willing to let our proposed destination get in the way of covering more ground, we kept on keepin' on. After a total of 17 miles and some really sore feet, we found ourselves in the back of a local hotel-owner's pick-up truck on our way into Franklin.

Monday, March 24, 2008

And So It Begins...

Hey everyone! Jordan and Carlie here, checking in from Hiawassee, Georgia. 67 miles down, 2108 to go! We've just completed our first week on the Trail, and it was as physically exhausting as it was mentally exhilarating!

We have only removed ourselves from the "real world" for 7 days, but already we feel the accomplishment of being able to carry our lives on our backs. Not that it's an easy task to carry your entire life up, over, and down the mountains of Northern Georgia. They are both breathtaking and serve to take your breath away.

One of the hardest things we've encountered is to wake up on a soggy, bone-chilling morning to put back on those dreaded boots...only to find out that the shoelaces are frozen together and the zipper on the tent is stuck shut. If only we could stay curled up in our warm sleeping bags and magically appear in Maine six months later! At least we will still have legs that work by the time we get there, thanks to Leki Trekking Poles!

We have some media happening today in downtown Hiawassee, and are already anxious to get back to the Trail. Thanks to Sprint, we'll be bringing you tidbits throughout our journey, hopefully about once a week, so be sure to check back frequently for great new updates, pictures, and hilarious stories from the elusive and majestic Appalachian Trail! Still to come...the importance of trail names and the best snack foods around...